What sort of checks are you doing with your water quality? I would suggest you do some pH and nitrate tests. Generally plants will get their nitrates from the breakdown of ammonia in the water from the duck pee. Most people install a biofilter which will convert their ammonia to nitrates which the plants will use as nutrients.
BTW, how do you keep your ducks from eating your bog plants?
Nice setup.
Thanks for your reply. I’ll be honest and say I wouldn’t know what levels to check for re nitrates.
What I did read up on is when the gravel base of the bog filter is running well, bacteria breaks down the poo. Bit like how our septic tank works (no main sewage here).
I’ve thinned the plants as suggested and cut some back and most are now greener. I wonder if as someone else suggested, that the bolted and grew too quickly.
The ducks can’t get to the bog garden. There is a small low fence on the low side of it and the side that faces the pond is too high, plus it has a small mesh fence along it. They can eat the over hang, but I don’t mind that.