I should have started Googling earlier or even read the forum posts, lol.
For some time now, each time that I have pulled my filter/aerator out to clean it, I have come across dragonflies in their initial phase without realising it. I am not a fan of things that creep and crawl so have been put off by these albino-like, primitive looking, alien things crawling around.
Then, about a month ago I started to notice all these (similar looking) creatures all over my reeds and marginals and, again, not being a fan of things that creep and crawl, I ignored them and hoped they would go away. I remember noticing a dragonfly on one of them once and thought it was enjoying a meal (I wasn’t sure which was enjoying the meal).
Eventually, I realised that they were just husks so assumed that something had gone through a metamorphosis but wasn’t sure what. Now I know it was dragonflies. As I said, I should have read the forum. Lol, now I can guess where all my toad tadpoles went too.
Here is a close-up of one of the husks….