Addy, what do you do for filtration during the months when the bog is turned off?
Nothing, the fish do fine. The water gets a tiny bit murky as spring comes around, i.e. the weather warms up. Once the bog is running the water turns clear.
My pump is external. I have to turn it off and remove it. Which I prefer, I love the down time in the winter. Don't need to worry about the pond at all. And honey loves to wander to Florida when it is cold.
One year I turned it off in September, we had to go to AZ to sale my house, turned it back towards the end of March. Not one fish was loss.
I do run a pond breather in the deep end and a tiny pump (low flow like 200 gph) in the shallow end for the birds to have water to drink.
There have been some that say the bog will turn anaerobic and will stink when you turn it back on. When I turn mine back on, there is only the smell of water / pondish water smell. No stink.
I LOVE it, being a lazy ponder.............. love the no / minimal care ponds. I have 11 ponds running now, all except one filtered by the one bog. From big to small.