Do you think Trump is stable enough if voted into power to handle all those nuclear launch codes ?

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Jun 13, 2013
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kent UK
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Whatever floats their boats. They can go barefooted for all I care :)
Bet if they research into the next shoes they buy they will find something they don't like either, on and on :rolleyes:
As long as they all stay peaceful in their protests and don't stop traffic for working people just trying to get home or to their jobs who cares? Once they break the law then throw their butts in the gray bar hotel

Would of been better Idea if they were given to Charity, the Brand would go downhill rapidly If the Homeless suddenly started to wear them, plus the Homeless would appreciate them, I'm sure of that.

We call that Hitting two birds with one stone in the UK.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Whatever they do I'm sure it won't make a dent in Trumps pocket book :)
Nov 16, 2015
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Willow Grove,PA
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United States
Stange Gordo as a former British service man I can recall the Panic of 79 when the shar was deposed / the US embasy siezed ,I was in Mayport Naval Airstation and Docks when the proverbial hit the fan [your boys in a panic asking we British sailors if push comes to shove would we fight with them ]to which we drunkenly said yes
Our armed Forces have always had far better disapline in fighting than the US, the look of gratitued on those US sailors faces was priceless.
Nice story and I'll give you the benifit of the doubt it is true but I would guess it would be the exception rather than the rule.
Perhaps if we in the West and East stopped meddling in other countries affairs , stopped selling them the arms and ammunition ships planes and tank's then the world would be a far more stable place than it is today.

You are discribing Obama's foreign policy for the last eight years. I guess Syria is stable and your Euro countries are benifiting from all the refuges fleeing to your countries. Right or wrong about 43 going into Iraq once there remain with enough troops to keep it stable. Obama's withdrawal allowed a JV squad to evolve into a major threat . With our yellow neck leader and then secretary of state Hillary Clinton Russia has puffed it's chest out and continues to create problems in that neck of the woods. I would mention Iran but I am sure the Iran deal is keeping them in check.

I would rather be out in front then leading from behind. There have been aggressors in this world since the beginning of time. Did u not learn your lesson in WWII. Because they dont say they are coming after you doesn't mean they wont. But your disciplined armed forces will handle it. Maybe this time we will stay home.

Since the left hates to identify and fight evil they try to create John Lennon's "Imagine" . So instead they will continue to fight the important battles like global warming.

Just curious do you think China was glad we intervened during WWII or later on the S. Koreans.
Oct 9, 2012
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United Kingdom
Nice story and I'll give you the benifit of the doubt it is true but I would guess it would be the exception rather than the rule.

You are discribing Obama's foreign policy for the last eight years. I guess Syria is stable and your Euro countries are benifiting from all the refuges fleeing to your countries. Right or wrong about 43 going into Iraq once there remain with enough troops to keep it stable. Obama's withdrawal allowed a JV squad to evolve into a major threat . With our yellow neck leader and then secretary of state Hillary Clinton Russia has puffed it's chest out and continues to create problems in that neck of the woods. I would mention Iran but I am sure the Iran deal is keeping them in check.

I would rather be out in front then leading from behind. There have been aggressors in this world since the beginning of time. Did u not learn your lesson in WWII. Because they dont say they are coming after you doesn't mean they wont. But your disciplined armed forces will handle it. Maybe this time we will stay home.

Since the left hates to identify and fight evil they try to create John Lennon's "Imagine" . So instead they will continue to fight the important battles like global warming.

Just curious do you think China was glad we intervened during WWII or later on the S. Koreans.
Gordo the reason I turned my back on the Hawks of the world is that I learned the futility of war and so should the worlds political elk , after two world wars and god knows how many so called peace time ones They start them its the poor sods that elected them that has to sort out their respective mess's.
As long as these politicians fail to heed this lesson then we will teater on the edge of Armagedon yes your country and mine are helping to police the world we cant affoard it and I doubt very much the US can keep sucking up the cost either and our friend putin knows this .
Never mind john lennons Imagine try instead Black sabbaths War Pigs I think that about sum's it up .
Was I proud to serve my countrry "yes" would I do i again "no" as to China they will become a major threat not only to the West but also to Russia too Korea well look at the mess we left that country in , the South have grown rich "yes" Then there is a completely Isolated North with a Nutter at the helm , do you think he cares what folk think of him "no" he isnt even listening to China these days and though his weapons may be small at the moment with each successive nuclear test he becomes more and more emboldened in the belief of his might .
This world now deserves to live in peace with us respecting one another .

Dave .

PS when I joined the Navy at HMS Ganges in the early 1970's which nations sailors did we have training wth us , it wasnt the US nor any other western power , it was infact the Irainian Navy, yet within a few short years both your nation and mine where against them .
Last edited:
Oct 9, 2012
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United Kingdom
Do you really thinks that Trump really cares about the people hes in it for himself thats all as are all business leaders they dont get to be billionaires by being nice they are ruthless in their pursuite of wealth .
Lets see if your going to all be saying the same thing in 4 years time , [you vote for what you get ].

Aug 1, 2014
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The Green Mountain state!
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United States
I find numbers like that incredible.
That seems like a deterrent to using the medical system to take care of small problems before they become big problems.

Yep. I saw a few doctors last month before the switch. It would have to be something life threatening for me to go to one now.
May 5, 2013
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Le Roy, New York
It's amazing how the press around the world has been feeding us misinformation and half truths. We now know that the democrats were behind the trouble at the Trump rallies, we now know that Hillary was fed debate questions before the debates and we now know that she destroyed evidence after receiving a subpoena from congress. As far as Trump goes all we know is that he says what he thinks or doesn't say what he thinks. Bush invaded Iraq after 2 months warning. Well they sent their fighter planes to Iran to keep them safe what do you think they would have done with their wmd's ? When Reagan was running they called him a cowboy and a loose cannon. On the day he was sworn in the Iranians released the hostages that they had held for a year. Maybe they read the news about him and didn't want to test him out. The day after Trump was elected the stock marker soared to a new record high. The only stock market around the world that went down was the Asian market.
Nov 16, 2015
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Willow Grove,PA
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United States
Do you really thinks that Trump really cares about the people hes in it for himself thats all as are all business leaders they dont get to be billionaires by being nice they are ruthless in their pursuite of wealth .
Lets see if your going to all be saying the same thing in 4 years time , [you vote for what you get ].

Do you really think Hillary cares about the people or was she in it for her foundation [it will be interesting to see how many donations from foreign investors come in now and how many speaking engagements they get with a $300,000 price tag) and power.
Eight years ago I was unhappy with the election of a Democrat . I was willing to give our nation's first black president a chance to govern by reaching his hand across the aisle and bring people together . Well look at what we have now a country that has never been more divided. A culture of entitlement that breeds malcontents and when they don't get there way they use the false sense of entitlement to justify their actions. See on going violent protests.

as far as you get what you vote for in my case it was YOU VOTE FOR WHAT YOU DIDN'T GET previously.
Nov 16, 2015
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Willow Grove,PA
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United States
One final thought then it's back to ponding and fish tanks.
Neither the Bushes or Obama was able to stop the Clintons. Not only did Trump put an end to the Clintons he set tone for the Republicans to maintain control of the house and Senate. While the media had everyone believing Trump would fracture the Republican party it looks like he provided the unity that was supposed belong to Obama Clinton and the Democrats. Just ask the only three republican senators who chose not to support Trump and lost their elections who the real unifier is.
God bless the Veterans
Jun 5, 2013
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United States
One good thing about this election for our state is we got a new Governor who will oppose the HB2 law!
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