Do you have problems with speeders on your street?


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
We had that problem on our road at a neighbors house. The kids living there had a teenaged friend that kept coming over there w/ that BOOM,BOOM,BOOM sound driving us nuts right across the road. Could not hear ourselves think. My hubby kept asking the father to please tell the kid not to play his music so loud. The father said, he's not my child and I can't really tell him what to do...............HUH? This is our cul de sac and he is does not live here! My hubby started asking the kid to stop each time but to no avail. Finally he did go over there one evening and I know you are not supposed to do this...............but he got right down in that kids face up close and personal and took ahold of his jacket and told the kid that if he ever plays that music again out here he will be dog meat or something or other................anyway the kid never played any music again! It shouldn't have had to come to that but I must say it worked quite well :)


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
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Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
I don't know why they put the speakers outside the car. makes no sense to me either.
We had one that was using his truck as a loud speaker for a wedding just up the road. I got so tired of hearing it I drove up the street to see what was going on and with intention of complaining to them. When I saw what was going on I just turned around and went back home. Grabbed my big rifle and my 44 magnum and loaded them up. Think I went and caused a bug stir at the wedding? No I'm not THAT bad. But a did sit down at the edge of the woods and patiently waited for the loud speaker to announce the vows. I was sure they were videoing the wedding and I could here the preacher or who ever was marrying the couple on the loud speaker. As they got to that special moment I added my addition to the video. YEP, 6 rounds off into the woods with a High caliber rifle followed by 6 rounds of a 44 magnum. I'm sure I got my two cents in on that! I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall when I cracked off that first shot just as one of them was saying I do. Also bet they couldn't hear the couple saying much of anything during that few seconds of video. Funny thing is, That particular house hasn't held anymore outside weddings or Loud events outside since. I wonder, Did they get the message?????

Aaron S

Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Midwest City, OK
Hardiness Zone
I don't know why they put the speakers outside the car. makes no sense to me either.
We had one that was using his truck as a loud speaker for a wedding just up the road. I got so tired of hearing it I drove up the street to see what was going on and with intention of complaining to them. When I saw what was going on I just turned around and went back home. Grabbed my big rifle and my 44 magnum and loaded them up. Think I went and caused a bug stir at the wedding? No I'm not THAT bad. But a did sit down at the edge of the woods and patiently waited for the loud speaker to announce the vows. I was sure they were videoing the wedding and I could here the preacher or who ever was marrying the couple on the loud speaker. As they got to that special moment I added my addition to the video. YEP, 6 rounds off into the woods with a High caliber rifle followed by 6 rounds of a 44 magnum. I'm sure I got my two cents in on that! I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall when I cracked off that first shot just as one of them was saying I do. Also bet they couldn't hear the couple saying much of anything during that few seconds of video. Funny thing is, That particular house hasn't held anymore outside weddings or Loud events outside since. I wonder, Did they get the message?????
Are you related to me? Most of the weddings in my family are punctuated by live gun fire. Nothing spells love like the smell of gunpowder in the morning.

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