Oh... My... Goodness!!!!! They're all so beautiful, and well... I'm SOOOOO jealous! LOL
I'd love to be able to leave my fishies in the pond over the winter, but I just HAD to have a Moor (which aren't for over wintering) and my pond is ITSY. Even though it's RIGHT UP AGAINST my house, and UNDER a deck... it's not really deep enough for me to be comfortable enough chance, and I'd need a heater, all the plants I worked so hard for would probably die, etc... so, yeah... now I NEED an aquarium! :lol: Been searching CraigsList daily for the perfect cheap/used aquarium in my area so I can just move the contents of my mini pond into it for the winter, and vice versa for spring. PLUS... like I said... I'm think I'm gonna need more than just my Betta to keep me entertained this winter. :lol:
Especially since as far as my other hobbies go... It won't be summer, a.k.a. Rock & Roll "Tour Season" = no roadtrips... most of my Bonsai trees will be dormant = little to no maintenance required... and I'd rather NOT wear off every bit of skin on my left fingertips by ONLY practicing/teaching myself guitar.
I didn't realize that a simple, "Uh oh... I need an aquarium. Hmmm, I wonder how many of the ponders over at the GPF have aquariums..." would not only answer my question, but also yield such beautiful tank photos. Now that I've been privvy to photos of your aquariums, I have a TON of new ideas re: tank decor!! Thankies! Pretty sure I'm about to go through this thread and thank every dang one of y'all...