So many opinions,,,,,,,,
If you go in series I would dedicate one barrel for mechanical filtration and the other strictly for bio. You could effectively make the first filter pressurized/sealed and the second a trickle down.
If you go in parrellel I would go the last yard and seperate them completely with each its own seperate pump. You would have 2x the turnover rate (assuming identical pumps) and redundancy should you be gone for the weekend and have a pump failure. If you already have the pump, the cost is minimal.
Running them in parellel off of the same pump doubles the size of your media but more than halves the flow rate through the media. It would sense if you have a big enough pump, but loses it effectiveness if you don't. When you go with a skippy style filter with a bottom feed into a 55 gallon drum, your effectively adding quite a bit to your head height, this effect would be X2 in a parrellel single pump system.