I overwintered 6 goldfish. In early spring I lost one. He was the smallest and least robust of the fish so it wasn't a big shock. In late April I lost one of my big beautiful females. She showed no evidence of illness or injury. ( see "A fish died...) After water conditions and temps stabilized I added 2 fish from Petco's feeder tank. They spent a week in a quarantine tank before joining the pond. One is orange and black and the other is white. I have not seen the white fish for at least a week. I checked the pond to see if she was stuck somewhere. I checked my skimmer. My water is very clear so I can see all the details on the bottom. I have found no evidence of dead fish remains. Question--will goldfish eat other goldfish? I have started feeding them cold weather food about 2-3 times a week. Earthworms will also wind up in there, and they eat those. So I can't see them cannibalizing each other out of desperation. Any ideas?