Thanks Addy, I did a quick search and did find the ingredient list. I may very well order some for the outside fish when we get to that point again. I do have to say I am really getting tired of grinding food. I hate feeding flakes, so grabbed Tetra Granules for the tiny guys ($21 for a 10 oz can), and those have worked out well, and thankfully, of the 11 shub babies in the 30 gallon tank, I only have a few who cant take these yet. I really need a food sized in between these granules, and the normal sized pellets for the older babies. I was just looking at the Dainichi product line when I caught you talking about a premium food. Good quality is important for all fish, but thinking with having so many inside, it would be worth the slight increase in price. Any way I look at it, I need to buy more "baby food" NOW... Hubby said he wanted to build another large holding area in the basement, so my plan to buy a few more babies (for variety), became a lot of babies due to group deals on ebay... They came yesterday, so will need more food soooonnn....