Well, I think I messed up the bog plumbing. Should have thought it through a little better. I put a breather pipe in to break siphon, but I also had the genius idea to use a bulkhead, which enters the bog about a 1' below water level.
Bog was full and I cut the cap off of my stub out outside the pond to finish the line to the pond and water starts gushing out. Hmm. Why isn't the breather?
Well, because breather pipe stops SIPHON, not GRAVITY! Duh. Probably should have figured that out when I realized I needed to cap the stub out in the first place.
I'll still have a check valve in the cistern to prevent back flow and a valve after the pump for shutdowns, but seems I wasted some time and materials on the breather when it won't really help me until water level has dropped a foot.
Gonna have to live with it for now. Too much else to do!