A few hours here and there the other day. Took me at least an hour to reposition 1 "problem boulder" by myself this morning.
In this timelapse, I finished backfilling the milk crates after adding the 4th layer the other day. I have plenty of extra dirt all over, so I just grab a shovel full from wherever I'm standing, and I'll fill in any low spots I make later when I'm not so pressed for time.
I also realized that the pvc I used to reinforce the top of the crates stuck out a little and the edges were a bit sharp. Made me uncomfortable about compacting the liner against it with backfill, so I cut up a foam mat from Harbor freight and used it to pad each pipe before finishing the backfill.
Finally, I got a layer of underlayment over the crates and started painting out how I plan to finish the top.
Probably should have put that fabric down a long time ago. Lots of dust and debris fell in the cistern as I worked. Will probably need a few flushes to clean it out.
Here, I'm bringing Barney to the far side of the pond to do a little bit of final work on that side. After this, no more machines on the far side of the pond. Which is a relief, really, because it's a very tight fit getting around the corner without hitting the fence or the running over the cistern.
Believe it or not, I only ran over one milk crate the whole time Barney has been here. And that's a fine price to pay, I think.
Right here, I'm fixing my "problem rock." I love this rock, but it's in a tough spot, and not high enough to hide the liner. I planned on just digging out another little shelf to place a few small rocks and then plant marginals to finish, but it's too tight of a space for that with the plumbing coming out of the bog.
It took a really long time to wrestle this darn boulder by myself with Barney, but I eventually got it done.
Then, I moved one more rock I wanted to showcase elsewhere. Since I had so much extra liner and the space to do it, I decided to dig out a shallow shelf near the cistern and move the boulder there. The rest of the area will get planted with marginals to add a ton of plant life. I think it's going to be really cool.
And I was able to get the bib liner into the cistern just before the heavy rains set in for the rest of the day.