Oh, and the Comcast tech that showed up was a total homie. My service drop goes through a neighbor's tree. Told the tech exactly what happened and he said, "I'm supposed to charge you for that. Looks to me like a tree branch took it out."
And on that note, I really hate having overhead service drops. Looked into burying my electrical as part of the backyard update, but too expensive for now, and new NEC rules mean I would have to add a disconnect outside, which means I'd need to rewire my panel as well to separate neutral and ground.
Have thought about adding a short pole at the corner of the property and installing conduit so I can pull new conductors in the future w/o ripping up the yard again, but I don't know if I could get the building dept. on board with that. And, with my luck, rules would probably change by the time I got around to it and my conduit wouldn't be code compliant anymore.
Anyway, this is the kind of stuff I think about when my daughter wakes me up at 4 and I can't get back to sleep.