The story of my life and, thus, this pond:
Wanted to finish up bog edging so I could grade the rest of the yard and get Barney out of that part of the property for good. Realized I have a few tricky elevations due to fixed points that can't change like the deck stairs and the shed.
Decide I really don't need the shed and can get more yard space and a better final grade if I remove it. Post it for sale on CL, but no takers. Too big to move out of yard in 1 piece, so decide to break it down and store the lumber under the deck until I can repurpose it and build a smaller one in another location.
Realize there's not enough space under the deck. Rearrange all the junk under there to make space. Start to reorganize garage to make space for the stuff that was in the shed. Wife has a bunch of boxes in garage full of daughter's baby clothes. Ask her if I can get rid of them, and she starts crying. Gonna take that as a no.
Move the boxes up to the attic. No space in the attic. Rearrange junk in the attic to make space. Start moving stuff from shed to garage. Rats made a nest in the firewood. Rat turds everywhere. Start to investigate where rats are coming from. Check watch. Out of time to work on pond. Go inside. Wife asks, "Did you get the edging done?" NO! I DIDN'T! OK!?