I just want the fish that end up here to REALLY appreciate it.
I think so, too. But GB won't like it. He doesn't like those wide, thin falls.
It looks pretty natural to me. We have riffle falls like that all over the place around here. Benham Falls. Willamette Falls. Those are big, popular ones, but you'll find little ones like pictured above in almost any creek system around here. There are even a few right in town.
CW, here's a thought for you; if you want to do some easy leveling/cascade manipulation, you can place some flat slate type rocks all the way across your waterfall line. if you put them INTO the pea gravel, NOT on your supported edge, you can then push your slate deeper or lift it by adding pea gravel underneath until you get the flow OVER TOP that you're aiming for.
What you'll probably find out is as algae grows and debris/plants and what not inpinge on your waterfall weir, it'll start deviating. The above will give you more control when this happens. I say all this because for my bog weir, I wanted 'channels' where the water could flow, essentially giving me as many small pourings as I wished. I DID find out that over time, some got clogged and others flowed more freely. So, no doubt, you'll have to fine tune every now and then, too but the above means you don't have to get the whole weir line level, which might be frustratingly impossible with weather and time.
Just an idea.