CW's Back Yard Water Garden Begins!

Dec 16, 2017
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United States
I should add that you should try to be there when they load the bags and beg and plead with the operator to only scoop from the top of the pile . there is soooo much less small tailings and dirt at the top of the pile then there is off the bottom it is a little more work for the operator . but only in pushing the controls maybe for a second push into the pile.
Sep 18, 2020
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Pacific NW
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United States
A couple tricks to others down the road reading the blog is to place plywood down on the lawn or driveway before you dump the stone.
If I could do it again, I would not have sifted the stone on the lawn because picking up the stone off the lawn again brought a bunch of junk with it. I would have just shoveled the total mess to the driveway first, and that would have eliminated a round of sifting. In my case, though, there still would be plenty of junk in the gravel because it was already buried under grass and bark chips for years before we bought this place.

It's easy to sift the dirt out with a trommel, but it doesn't do much for grass (catches on the trommel for removal, but time consuming) or bark chips, which are too big to fall out with the dirt. They end up still mixed with the rock.

Solution I came up with was to float it out in water. By the time I had an efficient system designed (in my head) for that, it was more work than it was worth for what I was trying to achieve.

I should have just scooped all the damn stuff out of the yard with Barney and put it in a trailer to the dump. Would have saved myself 5 days. 5 f***ing days for 1.5 yards of useful gravel. Just because I wanted to reuse materials onsite. lol. Top 5 dumbest ideas I've ever had.

Only saving grace is that I get a weird satisfaction out of solving little engineering problems like this.

An other trick we have used when having to move stone is to have the stone loaded into a similar bag
They're called super sacks around here. I actually went and bought one at Lowe's to see if I could speed up the bog build by using Barney to load a super sack and then carrying it with the bucket to the filter. Didn't work due to access. Path to filter from driveway is too narrow and have to navigate under eave of house. No way to carry the sack with the bucket without hitting the house or dragging the bag. Bag ripped open on the first trip from ground contact and spilled the gravel everywhere. Oops.
Sep 18, 2020
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Pacific NW
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United States
Fetched another couple yards of pea gravel to finish the bog today. Had the lady running the yard load up one nice, flat boulder for me, too. Just couldn't leave without it. She had to switch her bucket out for forks to get it out of the pile while everyone lined up at the scale. She is so nice and patient with me...

It is so damn handy to have that dump trailer. Just wish I could back it straight up to the bog and dump it. Remaining junk rock from the front yard loaded into Dad's utility trailer and headed for the "pit of despair" at the back of his property.

Also figured out how to make my own 3" bulkhead fittings for about $15/ea. rather than the $70 off-the-shelf ones. The trick is using a pvc terminal adapter with straight threads instead of a standard plumbing pvc male adapter with tapered threads. Then you just need a decent gasket to seal against the liner, and you're good to go. Will post a little video update on that once my gaskets arrive from Amazon.

Gonna do a little edge work on the main pond while I wait for those supplies.
Sep 18, 2020
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Pacific NW
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United States
Raining like crazy this weekend, which means dreaming of fun new projects as I sit inside or take the kid out for puddle stomping.

Had the idea to get a giant boulder cut in half to create a coffee table on the patio. How cool would that be?

I also plumbed one of my downspouts into the pond, and it's filling up really fast. Might allow for some more passive cleaning of the rock so I don't have to work so hard at it.

This is about 4 days worth of rain:

Jun 22, 2011
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United States
Raining like crazy this weekend, which means dreaming of fun new projects as I sit inside or take the kid out for puddle stomping.

Had the idea to get a giant boulder cut in half to create a coffee table on the patio. How cool would that be?

I also plumbed one of my downspouts into the pond, and it's filling up really fast. Might allow for some more passive cleaning of the rock so I don't have to work so hard at it.

This is about 4 days worth of rain:

View attachment 143420
you need to slow down...still got 24 days to final fill up! Normally, I'd be rooting for the rain as that would keep you inside 'RESEARCHIN'' but in this case, the rain is going to take me out of the pool...sigh. What's a person to do?
Sep 18, 2020
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Pacific NW
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United States
Bulkhead is already installed!

Dad came over today and we worked on the waterfall. Breaking my brain a little bit, but I think we got it figured out. The youtube builders all make it looks so darn easy.

Dad is headed for Arizona for the winter on the 30th, so I'm using up every spare second he has. Will miss him, but will really miss the big truck. No way to pull the dump trailer now. He also has a way of helping me make decisions faster, which I know everyone here appreciates.
Dec 16, 2017
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United States
I would install concrete around those bulked fittings much like you would for a main drain any settling or movement and I'm not sure you have a big safety factor.

Like @brokensword SAID THE RUBBER GASKET GOES IN THE SIDE WITH THE WATER AND A CARDBOARD OR A SECOND RUBBER GOES ON THE OUTSIDE. Bulked are one of the biggest trouble spots even when they have a 1" flange . though i said to make the area solid around the bulked you may want to leave it accessible as well
Jun 22, 2011
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United States
Bulkhead is already installed!

Dad came over today and we worked on the waterfall. Breaking my brain a little bit, but I think we got it figured out. The youtube builders all make it looks so darn easy.

Dad is headed for Arizona for the winter on the 30th, so I'm using up every spare second he has. Will miss him, but will really miss the big truck. No way to pull the dump trailer now. He also has a way of helping me make decisions faster, which I know everyone here appreciates.
Dang; why didn't you employ your dad earlier in the process???? We might actually have pics of swimming kids and gf biting their toes by now...

PLEASE tell your dad how much GPF members are indebted to him!!!

(and tell him he has a reserved seat for the zoom meeting!)

Sep 18, 2020
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Pacific NW
Hardiness Zone
United States
Little bit of potential trouble in paradise. Discovered a 1' section of failing seam in my pond liner. Liner is HDRPE from American Tilapia. Seams are double welded and one of the seams is failing over a 1' section. 2nd weld appears to be strong. So still water tight, but a little concerning. Liner section is in exposed area of stream coming out of filter, so for now I filled the failing section with PL-30 and will hope for the best. Contacting American Tilapia today for advice. Worst case scenario, I'll have to tear apart a small section of the stream and try to re-weld it.

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