I was outside part of the day today, but not for long each time. It was 111 at about 2:30 or 3 this afternoon, according to my indoor/outdoor thermometer. The sun gets to the north side of my house under the soffit where the transmitter is placed at about 5, and then it got up to 113. Hot, that's all you can say about these temps. Humidity goes down through the day as the temps go up, but didn't matter. You go outside, you sweat. Period!
I took a few pics of the plants that are growing in my goldfish plant bog. The water clover, water parsley and pennywart are going nuts! I have tons of these plants. Will definitely have to sell or give away some next year (or this year if anyone wants any and there is a way to make sure I don't share my algae ....).
My canna bulbs have all sprouted, and this one is blooming, and looks like it will soon have multiple blooms! Orange, my favorite color!

I bought 2 hibiscus plants, $8 each, about a month ago. One is this white with pink center. The other is a coral color. Will have to try to take a pic of the coral one tomorrow, if the buds open up.

Here is the Karly Rose ornamental grass I got from Addy! It's going nuts as well! If anyone would like a start of this, I'd be happy to share it forward! Addy sent me a small start, and since she said that she originally got one blade, I separated the clump into about 6 starts, and they all grew and as you can see, have multiplied very well! I probably have 20 blades where I planted maybe 3.

This pickeral rush made it through the winter and separation from the main plant. I have several plants of this in my two bogs. This one just started blooming.

And I love this peach solid colored lily, also got it from Addy! If I'm smart, I should mark the pot it's in so I will know when I split it in the spring .... but I'm not too smart, or maybe I'm just too lazy to pull the pot and try to mark it somehow.

Dragonflies are everywhere, from tiny damsels to extra large dragons. This was a medium sized guy, and every time he landed, he went "butt up". My BIL said he's practicing for the summer Olympics in gymnastics.