Today ended up not raining at all, and my body was wishing it had about 5. LOL I twisted my knee while working on the other pond, but it felt ok to dig. Then as if to tell me "enough is enough", it started hurting again in the end, couldn't straighten right leg, so knew it was time to quit. Got a lot accomplished, so happy with the day (even though part of it was spent fixing leaks of one sort or another on my big pond!).
I came across quite a few roots like this one that are too large for my shovel to chop. Don't have an ax, but have a small hand ax. If that doesn't work, I'll have to see who I can borrow an ax from.

I started the day filling the wheelbarrow and putting the dirt on either side of the stream, and sloping it back to the existing yard.

When I came on this "rock" I was afraid it was a foundation slab, but turns out it is limestone, I think, and I can chop it with the tip of my shovel and "shave" it off little by little. Have come upon many pieces of limestone, and some stayed together, most fell apart.

This is what the hole looked like when I quit at the end of the day.

And, I noticed this frog (maybe a leopard frog?) in my bog as I was gathering up tools to be put away.

Quite the friendly dude, as I got probably 16" away when I took this pic! (My zoom is not working, so have to crop to "zoom")

All in all a very productive day. The deepest end, by the stream, is less than 3' deep, but once I get the roots out of the way, the next foot will go fast, as usually no roots that deep. Still have the other end to dig, though. I'm about half done in depth to about 32" or so. Have quite a large pile of dirt, plus the pile of sod. I figure the sod will decompose into some nice dirt by the end of the year, too. But, since I filled in lots of holes and replaced grass when I dug the first pond, there really wasn't any need for dirt except to fan out the stream, so just piled it up for now. Always find places for dirt it seems, so it will get used sooner or later.