Green water mean excess nutrients. I’d put more oxygenators in there as well as more marginals. How old is this pond? Does this get full on sun and For how long? My pond gets probably 12 hours of full on Virginia sun everyday in the summer....and the first year or two it was algae city. By year 3 I had massive amount of plants (most occurring naturally)...more plants=more competition for the algae. Besides the show stopping favorites of water lilies and irises get the underrated ones that really pay the rent like:-anacharis, dwarf Sagittarius(great for bog), parrots feather, water celery(great for bog), forgetme not(great for bog) these guys have loooong roots that suck up those excess nutrients....but it takes time..if you want crystal clear water fast then do water changes, use very dense material for mechanical filtration(expect to change it a lot), and some chemical filtration like unalgi and barley extract. Also get a clean up crew....tadpoles and snail if you want.