Sheesh; didn't know our lil Queenie could talk that much, hey
@Dimelius ??? heh heh; seems she's pretty quiet when it comes turns to taking the night watch, even when we employ rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock!! Did ya get THAT reference your Nobleness??? Watch my squire pinpoint exactly where that came from in a flash!!
But donta you worry, we got ya in the spoils division category now--you'll get yer fair share! Just careful how much polishin' ya do to dat dare crowny thinga-ma-bob on yer widdle head! We gots 'patience' alla day, dontcha know? No secrets ceptin' the 'male' ones, capiche? Ask Dime if you're REALLY curious! [insert maniacal laugh track].
Glad you liked! SOOOOOOO much easier until I got to the animated part and even that wasn't too bad, after 3 iterations, which I see NOW has to have the Italy flag cut...sheesh, making more and more work fer me, DIME!