Color question

Jul 15, 2012
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Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
Hey where in Indiana are you getting those fsh from a breeder? I'd like to see that place. All the koi here is from pet stores and are pond grade :( I would love to have a blue koi. Or even a blue shubbie :)
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
Took a bunch of pics trying to get the two little shusui's but the sun is horrible. Everyone looks so washed out. Found this pic that has both the little ones... Still looking through the pics to find ones that show their colors better. The one at the top of the pic is a bit bluer than the one on the right. Hubby and I dont agree on which is the prettier fish LOL.


Closer pic of the one on the left...

Not a great pic, but can see the scale pattern a bit better...
Oct 16, 2012
Reaction score
WOW I love your pictures of your fish, the colors are beautiful!

What is the difference between Doitsu and Matsubi? The one just pictured looks similar to my orange one and my blue one. I will attempt to take some videos underwater and then crop to a picture.

As for my black one, very hard to photo or video as it is both quick, shy and hard lighting. So I think underwater if I can keep the camera immersed for a good amount of time will work.

Lets see what my back will allow. (recent back surgery, I have the time to play and learn, but not the back to do a lot about it right now)

Question: is this impolite to post here about colors of mine when it began with a post from someone else? I saw the title and thought that it's how you do things, instead of beginning a whole new thread...please let me know if this is wrong. I do not want to step on toes and I can begin another thread with my questions about the colors of mine. Thank you for keeping me in the good of others here on the forum.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Sometimes some people may get upset when a conversation is hi-jacked and doesnt get back to the subject at hand, but if it is on the same subject matter, I think most enjoy the continuation of the converssation. In any regard, *I* started this conversation to ask about colors, and I would NOT be offended if you or anyone else added pics. I would LOVE to see them (as your back allows - hope you are on the mend!).

I dont want to explain incorrectly, so copying from this link


In the late 1800's German koi were imported in Japan for food and crossbred with Japanese Koi. The Germans (Doitsu) selectively bred carp to have few or no scales to aid in the processing. During the Meija Erra (1868-1912) the Japanese bred some of their colored koi to two varieties of German carp which nearly doubled the varieties.
Doitsu Koi with lines of scales on the back and along the lateral lines are called "Kagami-goi (mirror carp)," and those without scales or with only one line of scales on each side along the base of the dorsal fin, "Kawas-goi (leather carp?)." There is a Doitsu version of almost every variety; Doitsu Kohaku, Doitsu Sanke, Doitsu Yamato Nishiki, and Doitsu Hariwake just to name a few. Doitsu Koi are to be viewed for the orderliness of scale arrangement and the absence of unnecessary scales. Each Koi should have the features characteristic of its own original variety.​

and this link...


The Matsuba koi is a metallic koi with a single color and reticulated scale pattern. Matsuba meaning pine cone gives these koi a striking pattern. They come in mainly 3 colors, the Aka Matsuba being red, the Kin Matsuba being golden, and the Gin Matsuba being white. The Aka Matsuba being the oldest of this variety grows to be guite large.​

These two links aside, it is difficult for most backyard ponders to have solid color reps, because we usually have pond spawnings (which doesnt pair fish for the best possibilities) or one, like me, who has butterflies, which while koi, they havent been worked with nearly as long as standard koi (20 yrs verses centuries)... So like when I started this conversation, I was expecting some of our fish to be, say color mutts, or bad examples of some colors...
Oct 16, 2012
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thank you! again. I have tried to upload to "my gallery" but I'm having issues. So let's see what I can do here. One thing is clear, is that seeing them from on top, is different than down in the water where you can see the all around view of their colors. What I thought was a solid blue back is not so on my "blue Koi" so named to differentiate. The black koi is pretty much how I thought he/she looked, but hard to catch due to lighting and quickness. When I can, I will attempt to capture it on a white tray as others have done. My orange one I can only capture from above, so far. The top fin appears to be almost a solid orange and the top is black but doesn't look pine coned. The rest of the body, best that I can tell is orange.

Here is a link to my dropbox folder with pictures (not so great, but a start). I noticed that the link doesn't seem to include the videos. I will learn as I my back can only take so much sitting and concentrating time. Not to mention taking the camera/camcorder down into the pond with a grabber :LOL:

Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
Ok cape, in the third picture up there, the red matsuba on the bottom left. I have a yellow and a red matsuba, idk if mine are bigger maybe, but they are 14inches or so. They look like that one, although the pineconing is not as far down the belly. Also the head is the same, except for the black markings are only around the eyes and down the nose. No black on the cheek area or on top of the head. My question then is, would it still be called aka matsuba and kin matsuba?
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
I was able to view 33 items in your gallery. The first thing that jumped out at me was the ex-pen... what an awesome idea... okay, so been in dogs too long;-) I wasnt able to get a look at any kio that I am able to name the colors for you. I still have a lot to learn there, but I abosultely loved one of your shubunkins. Most of ours are light blue, similar to what I think is your lightest one. The shubby that I loved has a blue base color, but nearly covered in black, with an orange band near his/her eyes...
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Outdoorlady, I got the videos to open. My favorite was the "phone call" video. LOL I'm not sure about the black koi, how it would be classified, but I like it! I really like the mostly black, but with white, red and black on the head. I assume that's a Shubunkin? If it's a koi, it's awesome! Even as a Shubie, it's gorgeous! I saw a baby or a small fish of some sort in the phone call video, too. Looked long and skinny, maybe a different type of fish.
BTW, Welcome to our Forum!!!
Fishy, I got my first koi from RSFish, he's on this forum, or used to be. He lives near Indianapolis. He has a spring and fall sale, and this year I think he had a second spring or early summer sale, too. I was very pleased with the fish in general, and the prices were really good! Look him up by this name, I think you will find him. Or, PM me and I'll give you his e-mail address, if I can find it. LOL I drove 2.5 hours with a huge cooler, two battery operated aerators, and the fish made it home in perfect condition. I think I bought 7, and 3 of those were at least 6" long. My favorite was a little Sanke, or that's what I called it, it was tri-colored, but it lost the red and black and is now mainly white with underlying black, but that's something that happens to lots of koi.


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
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Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
I would call that one a Beni Kikikoryu. Lot of variable come with that name but that's what I think it most closely represents.
Pic #4 dead center, orange head black back. Matsuba? Hana Shusui? I'm not sure how to class it, but I like it! lol
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Fishy, I have no idea LOL. I would call mine a Matsuba, and I have some with less black, that I still think are Matsuba, so I would guess yours is too... I get confused as we have a couple whose backs are near solid, but fins are still colored... oh, and yours is most definately larger... the one you referred too is only aound 9-10" at best.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
I would call that one a Beni Kikikoryu. Lot of variable come with that name but that's what I think it most closely represents.
Pic #4 dead center, orange head black back. Matsuba? Hana Shusui? I'm not sure how to class it, but I like it! lol

Im confused LOL... which fish is a Beni Kikikoryu? One of mine, or the CE posted?

Pic #4 - he was labeled as a Karasu, but I disagree with that name... I dont think it matches what I read for that color. My guess is a really BLACK Matsuba, but I dont know. Definately not a Hana Shusui. Pic #7, to the left of the BIG brown/black tail, is a Hana Shusui
Oct 16, 2012
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Well I typed out a reply to Cape and Country on my iPad.....when I went to check on something on another page and came back....poof! Gone.....learned another valuable all, copy and then go seek other pages for reference. I will come back tomorrow with my laptop. I blame Capewind on this one....I so loved the 4 pictures above, I went off to see if there were more to view and awe over, to see what size pond that was :luxlove:.

Cape, that is an X-pen, to keep my German Shepherds out, more for the safety of the fish, in case the dogs went for a dip and knocked over rocks/boulders/pumps/filters, etc.

Country, the little fish is a mosquito eater, I had more but my helpers have allowed the pond to over fill and I found them on my patio after they have left. I will get more, we have a big issue right now with mosquitoes.

I love my Shubis. Cape the cream/blue colored one with mottled black, I call Merle. It reminds me of Australian Shepherds that look like that and are called merle. The orange one with black dots, I call Freckles, because that is what they remind me of. The black ones delight me with their fin coloring. As I watch the video and they float in and out of the camera eye, I am mesmerized. One of the orange ones in the "Goldfish starter" pond (kind of funny, as they seem starter or isolation ponds in comparison to pond/lakes I see and dream about), has beautiful pure white fins.

I have 2 Koi in the "upper pond", the black one (which I thought was/is a Karasu) is also with the orange one having the black body. There is a koi in the lower pond with all the shubis. Its the only one that doesn't have long flowing fins. It peeks at you in the still pictures. Looks like it has a trout body (definitely not the coloring of yours Cape).

Enough iPad, one finger tapping with all the corrections made to my corrections :helm2:
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Cape, I vote for the prettiest Shusui being the one you pointed to in the second picture above! Beautiful!!!!! And, in the end, it doesn't matter which one is prettiest to someone else, only matters what you think yourself. There are times the ugliest fish to others, would be your most prized. My big black fish had a hard life before I got him, not because of any mishandling by his previous owner. He jumped out onto the ground and got scraped on his way, and then something else happened that I forget. He does have a white mark on his top side that I think is the old scar from the injury. Randy said that he was a fighter. I just wanted a black koi. When I got him home, someone on here, maybe Fishin, told me he looked like a Kumonryu, and that he would change his color pattern many times, as that type does.... and he has. :) I especially like the red spot on his head when the sun is shining on it just right. This is a pic when I first got him home.
Shamu - black koi with white belly and red on head.jpg
And, here he is in a pic from August of this year.
Shamu and others.JPG

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