Agree 100%. I have no quarrel with sharing information. However, even experts are known to share things that are just opinions, not facts. You said "I've only come across a few experts who don't mention it in their books" - so that means there may be some who disagree with that opinion.
Even the word "expert" has very little true meaning anymore - who says what makes one an expert? And what do you do when "experts" disagree? Or when the "experts" completely reverse their own expert advice - it happens all the time in the health field. What's good and bad for us seems to change on a daily basis - you can get whiplash trying to keep up. Just last week we heard all the advice about dietary fat was probably not the best advice after all - great! And I'm old enough to remember when the medical "experts" were endorsing cigarette smoking as being good for relaxing your nerves! And women (my own mother included) were told to smoke while pregnant to help keep their weight down. Those were all the "experts" of their time giving that advice. So I'm not terribly impressed by the concept of an expert.
I am an "expert" in only one pond - my own. We had to filter through lots and lots of conflicting opinions on the rights and wrongs of pond building. I am glad for people who share their knowledge and experience in the hobby, as it all adds to a better base of information for everyone. But ultimately there is no one RIGHT answer on any single aspect of pond building.
Honestly there's only thing EVERY "expert" agrees that EVERY pond needs and that's WATER!
The reason we built up our reference library was an attempt to fill in those gaps left by the experts you seem so scathing of we take in all the imformation given out and it is then down to us to take all the information given then make own minds up on the matter, that is what reference libraries are all about Lisa.
Not all our books are koi books no far from it if thats what you think we have many touch on other disaplines within the field of Ichtheology such as fish behavour,The Science of fish health Management, Pathology, Fish Physiology, Fish diseases, Diseases of Carp and other cyprinids etc .
When I say experts they are in their field many are extremely well qualified to formulate their opinions so I say expet when I mean expert not some hobbyist that has thrown together a book that is at best a good read and yes I have more than one or two of those.
Nearly all of the koi books we own are written by experts many have Doctorates some are written by Japanese breeders one by a shinto priest who was also a koi breeder.
If you wish to learn more there's a list of books put there by us for all to use ISBN numbers when and were I can, Authors names, Titles .
Meyer states that books grow old very true but I'm also willing to keep on learning and some of the papers he's linked into are extremely interesting , are you going to knock him because they too are written by experts some of them Professors.of Ictheology
Why so many books simply this we are willing to learn