How many gallons do you think you loose a week or day lisa?
If you had asked me that question six or seven years ago, I would have known the answer. But as you know (or will soon) when you have rain catchment, your pond level never actually goes down. The level of the water in the basin goes down and we only know we're low when we hear the pump start to chug. Depending on how much rain we get, we may add water every week, or we may add twice a summer. We kept careful track in the beginning because, like every new pond owner, we were SURE WE HAD A LEAK! Once we realized that the amount we needed to add varied according to a lot of factors - heat, humidity, wind, rain, how fast the waterfall was running (variable pump allows us to speed it up or slow it down), how many plants we have and how big they are... lots of factors. Eventually you just learn your pond.
Although our water is REALLY expensive so my husband still complains every time we have to add water. We bought an autofill to put on the pond and then just forgot to plumb it in when we were doing the build - I regret that every time I have to listen to him rant! What he can't see won't hurt him!