Central Florida pond under construction

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Wow, I sure wish I could go. I have never been to a koi or goldfish show, and would sure love to see one and the vendors that solicit as well! Wonder if they ever have that kind of thing in Illinois or surrounding states? Guess I'll have search for koi shows!


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
They used to have one in NJ and loved all the free stuff and discounts if you bought during the show .You have to know your prices on things .I went to one even though i lived down here .I left there with tons of ideas and free samples ,I heard there was one in NC from the koi farm there but so far have not seen a date for one this year .Could be the economy .
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Well, I would drive to Chicago (4 hours) to see a real live koi show! Maybe I'll have to check with CometKeith and see if he knows of one that is worth going to, although he has goldies ....
I looked on-line and don't see anything for Chicago, except the Garden Show this month. They do have koi there, and some beautiful ones, too. I was there last year, and the exhibits that had koi were raffling them off at the end of the show. Of course, I would have had to go the last day, hope to win one, and then haul it home 4 hours, which would not have been a cool thing, especially since they would have come from warm water to my cold pond. So, it's not really free if you have to drive 4 hours just to take a chance you MIGHT win one! Also, I would probably win the last one and ugliest one. LOL I sure was tempted, though, as the booth that had a nice pond had some gorgegous butterflies, one in particular was yellow and white, and such long fins unbelievable! I asked if ALL of them were going to be raffled off, and he said yes. Made it tempting, but then you figure the cost of gas for that long of a drive, I could buy that one fish on E-bay, including $45 shipping, and come out ahead.
Did you see any other koi show on-line in Illinois? I'm just curious. I would drive the hours just to witness a real koi show, and love walking around the booths. I would go to MO, IN, KY or IL for one, since I'm central to Illinois, all of these states are just about as close for their major cities. If anyone knows of a show, please let me know.
Hope to hear back from those of you in FL that my go to the one there this month! Post pics, too.
And now, back to Shinksma's thread! :razz:


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I googled it and it shows pics of the shows and says the have some videos on you tube and all you have to do is go to you tube
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
shakaho said:
Who among the FL people are going to the Central Fl. Koi Show March 8-10? I went last year and really enjoyed it. This year they are having a goldfish show as well which makes it even better. Lots of vendors there with good things to sell.
I intend to go, with my fiancee. However, many recent events have been executed differently from the plan, so I make no guarantees. Probably go on the Saturday, but who knows...

Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
shakaho said:
Who among the FL people are going to the Central Fl. Koi Show March 8-10? I went last year and really enjoyed it. This year they are having a goldfish show as well which makes it even better. Lots of vendors there with good things to sell.

shinksma said:
I intend to go, with my fiancee. However, many recent events have been executed differently from the plan, so I make no guarantees. Probably go on the Saturday, but who knows...

So we went, as predicted, on Saturday. We picked up a lotus (Mrs Perry D Slocum) and a hardy waterlily (Wanvisa), plus a red-stemmed sagittaria lancifolia. Lots of nice looking but expensive koi. My fiancee was quite surprised that koi could go for such high prices (several thousands of dollars!), and even the small young koi were not what I would call inexpensive. We certainly confirmed that we're sticking with goldfish in our pond!

I'm not sure how to judge whether the CFKS was successful, since the trade shows I attend/work for my industry are huge in comparison, but there seemed to be a fair number of folks there for the square-footage of floor space.

On the topic of our pod, I have a few more recent pics to post, but need to download them from the camera. Perhaps tonight. Yeah, you're all waiting with bated breath, I know. Better than baited breath, I suppose...hey, who ate my goldfish!


Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Yep, I'm sitting here waiting for your pics, Shinksma! Hope you get them downloaded from your camera soon.
I've never been to a koi show. There is a huge garden show this week in Chicago, maybe CometKeith is going this year. I went last year, was about a 4 hr drive in a bus with a group from local Extension Office. Fun time, and thought about going again on Wed. The only thing I hated was that they had lots of water features (I loved that part), with lots of koi, but I would have loved to have gotten into the raffle for the koi they were giving away! One of the features had a really nice large pond, and the guy said that ALL of the koi were going to be raffled off, all you had to do was prove that you had a pond up and running and ready to put the fish into! I have that, but didn't want to go back on the last day to see if I won. There sure were some beautiful butterfly koi. Just kind of worried about them being taken from inside for a week, nice warm water, and put outside in much colder water. I know they can acclimate if you do it slowly, but we're talking about 12" or larger, so would have needed a very large cooler to transport ... hey, I just may run up there this Sunday and take a chance at it! Then I would have to worry about quarantine for the new fish .... Hmm .... OK, off my subject, back to yours. Waiting for the pics ... yes I am, yes I am ...
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
OK, some recent pics. The last one is lit up with four landscape lights plus a little bit of ambient lighting from my mobile phone flashlight app. :lamp5:

Oh, forgot to add: the shot with the waterlily was done with a Circular Polarizing filter on the camera lens, which is how I eliminated the glare reflecting off the water and you can see down into the pond quite well.

A fellow CFL Ponder has offered some goldfish to assist my piscine stock levels, so those should get added soon enough, and then the real photography games will begin.

Of course, stuff you see in the attached photos is already under review for moving: the variegated plants near the power post probably would like more shade, so they will go under one of the bottlebrushes. And the bird feeders are constantly being moved about as we optimize for birds and de-optimize for squirrels...

We saw a male indigo bunting today at one of the bird feeders. Other recent visitors have been:

Cardinals (M+F)
Tufted Titmice (Titmouses?)
Chipping Sparrow
Eastern Phoebe (in the bottlebrush tree)
Brown Thrasher
Mourning Dove
Red Bellied Woodpecker (he hangs off the feeder almost horizontally, belly up)

As I get more spare time, I'll be trying to capture some of these (digitally via camera, of course!)



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Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Thanks j.w, CountryEscape!

There are a few marginal and regular garden perennials I still want to put in, but I also know that I should wait and see how everything does, because if everything takes it will look a lot more crowded, and could alter my plans. That lotus could occupy the whole pond surface if I let it, I suspect.

Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Central Florida
Wow! That is looking awesome. Love the lily. I got one of those lotus also. I have mine just beside my pond, so that it will eventually look like it is in the pond, but not really.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
OK, now I'm confused. I think of lilies as growing underwater, stems and leaves growing to the surface, and leaves floating on the surface. Blooms come either to the surface, or some types they go above the surface on a stem when blooming. Lotus, I think of as growing under water, but the stems and leaves growing up and out of the water, and blooms are on stems way up and out of the water. Is that right? The thing that confuses me is that sometimes when I see a lily for sale, I see the word "lotus" also in the ad, and then I wonder which type it is. I assume they are in the same family. Do I have the difference described correctly, or am I the one confused?
Some lilies WILL spread out and take over the water surface. I had too many lilies last year, this year going to just keep one of each color in each pond, and separate tubers and get rid of the extras (give them to other ponders just for the postage to mail them). Hoping to be more select in what I have in my bog, and try to keep certain plants in one area, rather than letting them go wild. We shall see if I rule or if the plants continue to rule. LOL

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