Great news about your kittiesTM and Fishy my cats are sisters. There were 5 kittens at a garage sale that we stopped at many yrs ago and I wanted one. Hubby said no we don't need any cats. So we drove for a bit and I said gee that's too bad about not getting the kitten and I said I could have gotten 2 and they could play together for life. So he just turns around and we go back and I pick out 2. Never thought we'd get one let alone 2. They slept together and played all the time. Now they don't like each other anymore since I got them spayed when they were about 4 months old. The nurse at the vets said after the surgery they had to separate them as they were hissing and spitting at each other. She thought each one blamed the other one for their pain. To this day they can't stand each other! Weird!
Forever, we've had a 3-cat limit in our household. Then we walked into PETCO one afternoon on a pet-adoption day to get kitty litter. Son & I were taken by this fuzzy little black kitten and Hubby made the "mistake" of saying that we should get it out and play with it. That was Casper, cat #4. Best "mistake" Hubby ever made

There have been some additions and losses since then, but eventually we got back down to 3. Then I found Abby, 5-week old tabby kitten in LOWE'S parking lot. Love at first sight! She was #4. Then came Scout, the road-side-rescue, #5 this summer.
The "family dynamics" among cats IS strange. Casper is the most lovable, laid back thing! But Koda is a bully, and sometimes attacks and chases him. Abby grew up watching Koda, so she also goes after Casper. Marshall gets along with everyone, but is easily pushed around if Koda wants his spot. Scout gets along with everyone, but because he's still a kitten, can irritate Casper. Sometimes I wonder if the "bully" behavior stems from the primal instinct of "thinning the herd" or getting rid of the weakest.