I haven't decided on a tank size yet. Initially I was going to use my 20 and now am thinking that it will be too small in the long-run. That's why I was thinking of going up to at least a 30-ish gal tank. It's for a goldfish [Watonai] that's about 4-5" long with a tail close to that same length. This guy is going to be an indoor pet and not go back in the pond.
@bettasngoldfish Yes, a "long" tank vs deep tank is better due mainly to the amt of surface area for gas exchange, but you are SO right about being able to work in it!
@Marshall Why do you say that a 30 gal is worthless? Oh, and next time you are down this way, sure I'll take a few of those 40 gals off your hands.
So, what do you guys think? Is 30 gal too small for the above-mentioned fish? What if I decided to give him a companion somewhere down the line.....?
@Dave 54 I'll keep that in mind as I'm searching, but as Maria said, sturdiness might be an issue. And, the biggest problem I've run across with stands is getting the darn things LEVEL, which might or might not be an issue with furniture pieces.