The nurse bees surround the queen, they feed her, don't fly, groom her, baby her. As they grow in age they change jobs. The drones are male, they are born male, in a bigger cell from the time they are born to death they just eat or mate with the queen. The mating happens once in a queens life, if they mate they die. If they don't mate the just eat and live until fall then they are kicked out and die. They do not get near the queen until mating time. Then it is done during flight out of the hive. They mate and drop dead. Out of 60000 bees maybe 1000 are drones.
The workers make the cells, bring in nectar, pollen, removed dead bees, guard the hive................They make the hive right for the queen
Are the rest all drones? Or do the workers actually get that close to royalty?
John (serious now!)