I see them offering a bunch of learn how to keep bees free downloads. Have not found the Winer article yet.
The hives are starting to smell like butterscotch, that is how we know they are processing the golden rod they have collected. Some say it smells like old dirty socks. To us butter scotch. Some beekeeps collect the goldrod honey, we leave it for them for the winter.
We watched the workers stinging a drone, two of them were working on dragging out the drone that is twice the size of them.
This time of year all drones are removed from the hive, they are alive only during the brooding season. They are fed by the workers, they don't feed themselves, their only job is to mate with the queen, after which they die.
You feel sorry for the drones as they hang on for dear life. The queen quits laying them on the instructions of the workers. But there are still some around that get deleted. The hive doesn't want to waste food stores on them., during the winter.
We found a white drone, a bit ago.
Our new stack of sugar bags.............which are all gone again. Most likely 2-3 more intense feedings.