I've finally reached the beginning of post-op day #6. Recovery is going well and I'm not nearly as limited [activity/mobility-wise] as I thought I would be. By PO day #4, most of the acute pain was gone, replaced by just aching and soreness. I'm not using the crutches any more, but they were more for stability as you can't really USE crutches when BOTH feet are out of commission, LOL! I have to keep weight off the front of my feet for a while, so heel-walking is becoming 2nd nature. But at least with my hands free, I can get stuff from the fridge, etc. by myself, and I don't have to wake Hubby up at midnight for help going to the bathroom.
On the 2nd PO day, I saw the surgeon and he took off the dressings. I was surprised at how really good my feet looked -- hardly any bruising and minimal swelling [pic below]. Elevation and ice packs! It's funny how things are, but before the surgery my left foot was the one that bothered me more, but it's the right foot that's more swollen and painful after the surgery. I guess there was more work to be done on the right even thought it was my "better" foot to start out with.
A week from tomorrow he's going to remove the sutures. At least it's OK to get them wet until then. And I'll still have to wear the clunky post-op shoes for a while, until my feet will fit into regular shoes -- I see a shoe-shopping spree in my future, tee-hee! Fortunately I've never been that fashion conscious!
It's going to be sad, though, once I'm more mobile -- sad for the cats, anyway, as they've gotten quite used to having "Mom" lying around to keep them company! People make very comfortable kitty-beds