I'm getting on in age 66yrs but fairly sprightly and like doing all my own jobs in garden. Ive always wanted a pond, so decided to give it a try before I'm to old lol. So tried a small one February, last year about 18 inches deep and 6 feet wide. Only place I could put it was at bottom of garden and the garden slopes down a bit, so water runs down the garden when we have loads of rain. I put several sheets weed fabric down over the soil, then the liner. Bought a UV lamp with pump, it was brilliant, looked great with the plants but NO fish, I loved it, was soo clear the water. Then this last winter when we had loads rain, my liner started to bulge up into the pond. I checked it, it is water definitely under the liner, at the bottom and the sides. I put loads stones in it to keep it down for now but don't want loads stones all over the bottom and sides takes up so much space. Also it can collect lots debris as I have no fish In it. Im desperate to sort out, someone must of had this problem before. P!ease help