Building a DIY 55 gallon barrel filter...need input.

Paul W. Foster

Novice First Class
Jul 15, 2014
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New Albany, Indiana
I was already pumping to get from the pond to the filter. But with a little tweaking I can gravity to a sieve and then pump to a sand and gravel. But does the sand and gravel do about the same thing as a sieve?
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Here is a diagram of the S&G filter plans that I ended up using for my set up. The info is all sourced from others... but I like diagrams. You could also have your input and bottom waste port coming out of the side of the barrel and then raise up the air manifold as needed.

Most people talk about having to clean them every week or two based on fish load. This will be the first complete season of running mine so it will be interesting to see how often it needs cleaning. These are so easy to clean though, it's not a big deal. You can do the whole thing without getting a drop of water on you in just 5 mins (plus refill time). The other thing that is great is that the air manifold tube that runs to the top acts like a gauge and tells you when you need to clean the filter. As the filter beings to clog... the pressure then starts to push water up the air manifold. And last... some versions of these filters don't have a bottom drain. I don't have any prefilter in my set up besides a mesh bag around my pump, so with larger particles getting in, having the bottom drain allows you to quickly flush the bigger stuff before you then run the air in to clean the main filter.

I did add a second smaller 35 barrel to the side which has an internal tower of feather rock to act as a shower filter too. It's worked out nice so far.


  • Sand&Gravel_FILTER.pdf
    92 KB · Views: 587
Jun 10, 2022
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United States
Hello all. This is a quick question.

I have a 55 gallon food grade barrel ready to go. I plan to use 2" PVC pipe for the inlet and outlet of the barrel.

I don't know what the name of the item I need is but it is the part that seals around the pipe as it enters the barrel.

It's two pcs. I think, made of plastic with rubber washer on either side. It allows me to seal the hole that the pipe goes through.

Could someone tell me what this item is so I can find a couple to buy? It has to work with 2" PVC pipe. Thanks!!
A bulkhead fitting. There are different types. I used an item called a “uniseal”
Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
Okay cool. I found some at Home Depot but a koi pond warehouse near me has them even cheaper. Thanks!
/edit: I just discovered uni-seals. This is the way to go from what I can see. Gonna try and find a local store that sells them.

I have another question if someone doesn't mind.

I pretty much figured out everything I will need to do this but I'm not sure what i should use to connect the 1.5" pump outlet to the 2" PVC pipe that will run as the feed to my 55 gallon barrel filter. I spent quite a bit of time at Home depot but didn't see anything that made sense for this. Can someone tell me what I should use? The pump is a Danner 2000gph magnetic drive pump,
The outlet on top is the kind that you clamp a flex hose to. But I need it to connect to a 2" PVC pipe.
Just unscrew that barb fitting from the pump. It's just threaded in there. Then screw a proper sized pvc threaded male into the pump. You can increase the size by using a PVC bushing. They come in two varieties, threaded or slip (glue).

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