Your design is very similar to what I am building for my bog. I have three manifold pipes rather than 4. You will quickly realize there is no exact science to this. Every one has different opinions on the design. You have the basic concept which is the most important thing. After looking at several posts I went with slits every 3 inches, seemed to be the midway point for most discussions. Some said 6 inches and some said 1.5 inches. As to the depth of the slits, tenths of an inch again is not going to make a difference, the 1/3 is used because that will give room for the water to move out and not get blocked. Some put rocks under the pipes and some do not, I did not and went with slits down using 3/8 gravel, others swear by slits up. There are no scientific studies to point to saying one way is better than another, too many variables. If you have a hundred koi then no amount of slits and gravel is going to help you. But if you are reasonable with the fish load and have lots of plants then you are going to be in good shape. The sticky note in this forum for bog building is a great resource.