Ok after a long day of cleaning, trimming boxing plants, they will be picked up tomorrow on their way. Usually a 2 day shipping. The weight was a lot less than I thought, this is the first time I have sent just growing plants.
So I used all the small boxes I could find at home, to save money for everybody.
The plants, will be wilted looking, crushed looking, but put them in some water, shallow and let them float. Or right into your bog, or anywhere wet. They recover wonderfully. Hope I got everything in every bag, it got overwhelming and one long day.
creeping primrose yellow flowers around 2 feet or so. grows by runners.
pickerel rush, I don't have a lot so you will get a chunk of it, put in wet and it will grow.
rush, just starting to grow roots and shoots a great filter plant where you don't mind it expanding in a circle
obedience plant I have it crown dry and crown wet it does fine. It grows great along the edge of the pond long hanging roots, the fish love to spawn in. Or in the bog or in wet dirt. Great purple flowers and good nectar for my bees lol
two or so feet tall
roots put in water they grow, marsh betony or penny wort, not sure
blue for get me not, crown wet crown dry does good either way, groom mid summer it gets straggly, low growers
creeping jenny, in the pond, bog, ground, low grower
marsh willow, 12 inches tall or so, purple flowers, spreads by runners, in a plastic baggie by itself, I don't have a lot so just sent a sprig to each of you. Baby it and it will take off. i.e. keep from other plants overgrowing it.
misc stems roots etc tossed in, they could be water mint, penny wort, or other things. Let them grow if it is something you don't want toss. I like water mint, great nectar for the bees, late in the season.
All of the pulled plants are gone except a few pieces too yucky to send lol