Hi all, just about to start rebuilding my waterfall and bog, originally the waterfall fed the bog but I’m going to an under gravel system this time. I’ve been doing a lot of research and I’m getting conflicting info, I understand everybody has their own opinions and that’s what I’m looking for.. other opinions. Firstly I’ve read in some places and seen videos where they insist the slots or holes in the pipe be facing down and other places they say up. Also some places say use no more than 3/8 pea gravel (which is what I have) other places seem to say you should vary the size with larger rocks at the bottom then a larger gravel in the middle and finish with the 3/8. What is everyone’s opinion on these issues? Also, I can’t seem to find a good diagram or explanation of the clean out pipe. Does it connect into the under gravel pvc at the opposite end or does it stand alone in the gravel, do you just flush clean water down it (like filling a hole) or is it better to attach a fitting that you can connect a hose to to get some pressure. And then how does the flushed out water escape the bog without going into the pond. I know, I know, probably basic questions but I’m a basic kinda guy.
I'm getting ready to build my bog in a week or two if I can ever finish rocking in my pond, lol. I have read many threads here and watched videos. What I try to do is take a compromise approach. One thing that is clear is that there is no hard and fast rule book for bog building. It is not like anyone here or somewhere else can point to a scientific study that states categorically having slits or holes face up is demonstrably better than face down. There are too many variables with ponds to have any definitive answers, I go with the basic science behind it of water flowing through gravel which creates bacteria that plants can feed off and that helps to clear the water. If you put too many fish in the pond then no matter how you design the bog you will have problems, same thing if you do not plant enough.
I personally decided to go with the slits down, cut a third through the pipe, most people say slits rather than holes because the holes can clog easier. FYI, something that is not mentioned, cutting those slits makes a mess so be prepared to clean up a lot of PVC off the floor, it goes everywhere, also clean the pipes afterwards since the stuff gets in there also. I did my slits 3 inches apart after reading people doing 1.5 inches, 3, inches, 4 inches and 6 inches, I decided to go in the middle. Also at the end of the day is the bog really going to fail because your slit was off by an inch, no it is not.
I have three manifold pipes, I have a clean out pipe at the end of each one, again that seems to be the consensus. Some have a bottom clean out pipe. I will have a screw on cap on the clean out pipe (you can get the screw on fitting and screw on cap at plumbing supply houses online, they are a unique fitting so you will probably not see it at Home Depot. Some people do not have a clean out pipe and they do fine. A lot of people say not much comes out of the pipes when they flush them out, it seems like you do not have to do it much. When it comes time to do it, you turn off the pump, take the cap off and attach a hose or pipe to direct the water out of the bog, turn the pump on and the water will shoot out, guess it does not take long.
You are ahead of the game by doing a bog, dont stress to much about the exact details and keep the basics in mind.