I've read through this whole post once a couple of months ago, and probably forgotten just about 95% of what I've read. Apologies for asking some questions which I'm sure are covered and also I've probably already read.
I'm in the process of building a koi pond that is about 14 feet by 16 feet and 3.5 feet deep, and I will have a bog that is actually slightly larger than the pond by surface area. But - I want to do something a bit weird with my bog, and wondering if experts here think it will work out OK or if it will be a very bad idea. I plan to have the bog 20 ft x 20 ft with say a 15 ft x 15 ft deck centered in the middle of the bog. You will get to the deck by crossing a small bridge across the perimeter of the bog on one side. So, there would be pea gravel everywhere, but basically shade over most of the bog and just allowing plants to grow around a ~2.5 ft perimeter of the entire bog. One side of the bog will then flow into the main pond.
So the first question is, will the bog under the deck still function OK in terms of bio-filtration, or do you think it will plug up without plants to suck up the nutrients/muck? I am assuming plants will not grow much under the deck since there will be close to zero light under there. I am going to look into if I can make any sort of sections out of plexiglass just to get light in there, but not sure if that's realistic...
Second question is I want to have an effect where it looks like the deck is sort of floating. One will cross a small bridge to get across the perimeter of the bog and make it to the deck. So, I want to have maybe 2 or 3 inches of deep of water above the pea gravel around the edges of the bog to give that effect. Will water depth of 2 or 3 inches still allow plants to grow, or will that amount of water be too deep? I am a moron when it comes to anything there is to know about plants, so I'm hoping there are some nice type of plants that I can get which will survive in that amount of water. I'm about 1.5 hours south of Portland, OR. We have pretty mild winters (mostly rain). But it does freeze over just a bit from time to time...
One last question - since the deck will be a main seating area, will the bog smell at all? I wouldn't really want foul odors emanating through the boards of the deck when guests come over!
Thanks for any help or advice you can give