Bog water flow........
Although our bog was as much a "make-work" project to keep an old man busy and off the streets, it is functional as evidenced by the sludge left behind once the water passes through it. It is a little smaller than conventional proportions dictate, but is still effective and adds a dimension to the setting.
The water flow is relatively slow as can be seen in the photo, but given the amount of water in the spillway, the volume is modest. We also didn't strive for a formulated amount of water, just what seemed to work, which can cover a wide spectrum from our meandering to Addy1's robust flow.
Our bog is just an above ground box with a liner, pea gravel, and pump.
The overflow spills into a sluice that returns to the pond under the "dock". This has an "inspection" box on the return end.
The apparent holes in the surface are caused by the water coming up through the gravel where the debris falls out creating the sludge mat that feeds the plants and harbors tads. The streaks in the image are actually reflections of adjacent plants giving an indication of how sedate the flow is. By mid summer this will all be naturally covered with plants. (I had to do a major culling last fall.) Although the water flow is relatively slow, it is a decent volume and too much for mosquitoes.