How many lotus plants do you have in that container now, Addy? And, have they multiplied over the years? I am still intrigued with lotus, got a plant from another local lake, and hoping it will grow and bloom this year. What depth again do you have your lotus plants? Last, if you no longer have them in pots, are they in any type of soil or just whatever falls into that container, stays on the bottom for them to root in? The plant I got out of the lake broke through the pot, and is growing out the side. Going to wait and see if it grows up to the surface or what happens with it.
What happened, the 300 gallon tank, rubbermaid stock tank, decided to settle after being full of ice this year. Since we are on a slope that means the lower edge settled lower than the rest of the tank, also there is no dirt holding it firm on 1/3 of the tank. There is wood insulation etc but no dirt. So that edge had a 1/4 inch safety zone before it would overflow and if not caught it could drain the ponds, since it is in our pond loop.
So long story short, I had the lotus in those large tubs with rope handles from walmart.
I put the lotus in them originally since I read they like to be around 18 inches below water . Well to fix the tub we had to pull those beyond heavy tubs out of the tank, 3/4 full of kitty litter.
Then drain the tank, raise the one side, finally ended up putting in a 4x4 in concrete with a brace between the 4x4 and the tank to give the dirtless side support it kept bulging when you added the water.
So the story goes on, since the tank froze hard, I dumped one out thinking I would find mushy tubers, nope...........all in great shape winding around the bottom of the tank a bunch of tubers, and new growth. I was thinking of dividing, nope too late they are already growing.
So said heck with the tubs, honey and I drug them up a piece of wood ramp 2.5 feet up, to dump them back in the tank, dumped them all out of the pots into the 300 gallon tank.
Added 200 lbs of kitty litter to fill between them................done. See new little leaves coming up. They like their freedom.
You can see the shape of the old tubs. The green is my turtle, frog escape platform. They can get on it and crawl out.
I could have cut off the top of the kitty litter to make them even with the new, but with all the growth I saw I did not want to take a chance cutting off the new growth under the litter. So the new litter is about 1/3 way up the tank the old varies. There are tads, did have a few rosey reds, but they did not survive the winter.
The tank, before trashing it, was also full of aracharnis which will come back, it was a nice little ecosystem.
I still need to dress the edges.
So the lotus tubers are down 2.5 feet and doing well in answer to your ? CE
I started with one tuber of each plant, there were a bunch of tubers in the bottom of the tubs, so yes they multiplied. 4 different varieties.