I just had to speak up.
I sympathize with anyone who suffers back pain, I've had my share of it over the years. The root of my problem was an accident I had when I was 19 when I was thrown off the back of a truck that jackknifed on a mountain road and was thrown down the bank and landed on my back against a log. Being young I recovered quickly, but later in life I had problems with my back doing simple things that would put me out of commission and turn me into a cripple for days and weeks at a time. This would happen sometimes doing things at work and sometimes just walking in the shopping mall. After talking to all kinds of doctors and back specialist about the problem, which was related to bone growth around the old injury, I had basically three options before me to try and treat the problem, surgery, drugs, stretching and muscle building exercises. I'm happy to say I chose that latter.
Every possible morning for the last 8 years I do about 15 minutes of stretching, Pilates, and various back muscle building exercises, especially before heading off to work. My job requires me to do heavy lifting and climbing and all kinds of physical stuff all day long, if I head to work without doing these stretching and warming up exercises I will , sooner or later, end up laid up in bed for a week or more. Even if I manage to not end up laid up in bed if I go without doing my daily routine of stretching and exercising I will start to stiffen up and start walking like an old man. The difference is too pronounced for me to ignore, so I've come to the realization that if I want to continue working and enjoying some quality of life for as long as I can I must carry on with this morning routine even though it's not always convenient to do. I hate to think what sort of shape I'd be in if I had not started or maintained this regime of stretching and exercises.
Becky I hope you recover quickly and fully. I have no idea what the cause of your back problems are, but all the people I've met with good back surgery recoveries put a lot of emphases on getting and staying mobile and flexible.