Its the people of the Somerset levels we really feel for most are farmers and villagers and whilst we do feel for them the people around the Thames knew from time to time that it bursts its banks but those poor people in Somerset have watched this grow and grow since before Christmas with no help from the government each farm and village loosing the battle to raising water 6ft deep in places .
The PM didn't show his face at all until Prnce Charles shamed him into action when he visited the Somerset Levels, by then it was too late for them .
Thankfully farmers and rural vilagers are a hardy bunch and they have gotten together to help each other out , no farmers from all around are rallying to their aid with silage food for the animals etc the first convoy coming down all the way from Yorkshire tractor after tractor with trailers high with hay ans silage, carrots you name it , other farmers are taking livestock in on their farms , its this that makes you proud to be British not these polititians suddenly jumping on the band wagon for photo shoots to be seen to be doing something so that they get voted in in the next election .
This time however far to many people are hurting and they are very worried personally I dont think they could oganize a P*** up in a Brewery .
They have had it too soft for far too long at the expence of the British tax payer its time they started to make things count not blame each other from who did what and when.
The People of the levels are being flooded because this government kept cutting back the enviroments agency , who in turn didnt listen to those who know best and didnt dredge when asked to , then last year when they flooded the PM said he would invest £30.0000.0000 in pumps and dredging and they saw how much ???
Nothing well this time its three times as bad and the PM has to act .
We at the moment are being bufferted by high winds and rain but are snug inside.