They don't do well in planters for long because their rhyzomes choke themselves out quickly.
I noticed that they seem to generally lay out the rhizome barrier in an elongated C shape with a pruning trench along one long side. I wonder, is that the reasoning for such a barrier design? To allow the rhizomes to grow out into an area where it is easier to prune them so that they don't choke themselves off.
My goal here, for my northern boundary, is to block the light from my neighbor's dusk to dawn lamp. I have had my property for 16 years and it has always been dark. I tried to convince the new neighboor to the north not to install a dusk to dawn light, unless it was on a switch. But he insists that his new (third) wife who is in her 50's is afraid of the dark. So now my entire lot is illuminated like a parking lot and I hate it as well as my northern neighbor. He cuts all the trees down, including mine, and he burns plastic trash which stinks up the whole area and he and she are just all around butt-heads! I wouldn't mind installing invasive bamboo with the rhizome barrier on my side and the pruning trench to their side and just letting it go wild until it chokes him out!
Hee Hee! I am such a stinker.
Unfortunately, I cannot do such things. It would be morally wrong and against my religious beliefs. Dang my conscience.
Too bad he isn't like my southern neighbor. We get along so well. We think alike and we work together to improve our properties for the benefit of both of us.