UH OH!!!!! New pond woes!
This morning I didn't hear the waterfall. The water level was down to the bare minimum for the skimmer, so the waterfall was just trickling. I hope the pump is ok.
I unplugged it and refilled the water.
I think I know what's happening, and hope I can fix it today. I did mark the water level with chalk and will watch to be sure there isn't a leak anywhere else -- but I think the waterfall is just a little too crazy.
It was going wild over to the right initially, so I readjusted and re-foamed. I think that directed too much over to the left. I think the oversplash is extensive -- AND I think the oversplash is creating a big puddle around one of the outermost rocks -- which is flowing down a liner wrinkle into the dirt via capillary action. I know the waterfall flow has really been hitting a flat rock so hard, it makes it splash more. That rock was put there as part of the spillway, but I'm going to remove it and see what happens.
It's too cold to play out there now, but it's supposed to get to 64 today.
Wish me luck, Pond Peeps!