First I want to thank everyone who offered their help and advice to my last posting "EMERGENCY: Need Some Advice." The good news is that I managed to capture two of my Koi. One of my oldest and largest Calicos, and one of my medium sized Silver butterfly.The bad news? I just went out this morning to check on the other three and try to capture them but I was too late. One had suffacated to death over night, and one (my largest, oldest and most shy) that I called "Moo Cow" was on the bank half eaten. The other is missing and I presume has been eaten or I simply cannot see him. I am really, really bummed out. They all had their own personality and I looked forward to seeing them everyday. When I think of all the hard work I have done to keep them happy, healthy and alive. Netting the pond and keeping watch when the Herron comes every September. Constantly plugging holes from critters to keep the pond from draining in the wind, rain, ice and snow. And now all it took was one drought and they are all gone. I am grateful that I have been able to save two. Now I just need to keep them alive until the rains return. And to add insult to injury it looks like it is going to be a massive fish kill event. Even the small natives are dying. The whole pond is going to have to be re-stocked. Really, really bummed. :sad: :sad: :sad: