Baby koi getting bullied by goldfish

Sep 15, 2021
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United States
Well I was told by the pond store to take him or her out and check for white spots? And he has em on his side's they look kinda like bubbles or white spots, and I put him in a 10 gal fish tank for temporary, but people are telling me to just take him back and get another but I don't want to give up in him, is there any medicine for the water for him? They told me to put some un iodized salt and that would do the trick?
are you sure they didn't mean pond or aquarium salt? It's different then table salt. And there's a good possibility that all your fish will get the white spots so I would treat the entire pond. But that's me. Many would wait and watch for symptoms in the other fish.
Jun 22, 2011
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Hardiness Zone
United States
are you sure they didn't mean pond or aquarium salt? It's different then table salt. And there's a good possibility that all your fish will get the white spots so I would treat the entire pond. But that's me. Many would wait and watch for symptoms in the other fish.
Tyler posted 5 years ago, Lenae; odds are, he's either got dead fish or found some malachite green...

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