LOL... Love the shubunkins (but at least mine, dont want to call someone else's fish stupid LOL) are soooo dumb. I wish she could hold off another week (doubt it, not my luck) as hubby put the round of "just in case" Prazi into the QT pond last night... The rescue fish have been in QT for 6 weeks now and look great.
Hubby DID catch the little baby he found, and also caught "something else" that I started another thread for identification LOL. He & I dont agree on what it is LMAO. Since it is coming up on 3" (not quite there yet), I think we can see enough to identify it.
Hubby DID catch the little baby he found, and also caught "something else" that I started another thread for identification LOL. He & I dont agree on what it is LMAO. Since it is coming up on 3" (not quite there yet), I think we can see enough to identify it.