I got home to some bad news. I put the baby in a 3.5 gal bucket in my house, thinking he would be safer than outside, where he had been since the morning before, in the same bucket. Very little water, and propped so he could get to "dry ground" if he wanted to. I guess my cats got too curious and dumped the bucket. :-( I've been searching frantically since I got home, now well over an hour, and still no sign of him. I can only guess that the cats hauled him off somewhere, or could they possibly have eaten him? My cats are inside cats, and I know they like to catch the moths that get inside and will eat them, but a baby turtle? Doesn't sound like it would be easy to eat! I'm still looking, but I've searched thoroughly in the 3 rooms surrounding the bucket and no sign. I've messages Larkin, so he is aware. I feel soooo awful! First, if he got eaten, and worse, if he's hiding somewhere and I don't find him and he dies that way. Darn it! No more baby in the skimmer either. I hate it when life throws a curve my way like this. I'll just keep trying to think of other places he may have crawled, or maybe where a cat might have taken him to play with him. :redface: