Thanks for that post, JW. I finally clicked your link to your own pond and was enormously impressed. I got to have one. You're an expert alright. Twice you've built those ponds, at least. And all the plantings... it's beautiful, lovely. I've never made anything remotely like it in my life but I know what to aim for now.
Can't wait to show it to my wife and get her onboard with the idea.
Of course we'd have many differences, this being south australia (currently running temp of 45C), dry and hot - means different vegetation I suppose but surely something very similar must be possible.
I struggle with a vege garden and have become conscious of the fact that all our table vegies are foreign imports which is the underlying reason they're so hard to grow. Similar thing with the pond I guess. An Aussie natural pond may not have much of the lush beauty of yours, it may have to have more drier plants, sharper, harder looking things, but it'd still be good.
Everything I see of yours impresses me. Even the stonework. Looks to me like your husband shares your talent for creativity perhaps.
So that's all lovely but I'm still no closer, really, to figuring out what I need for my tub.
Remember, I'm opining that my filter is doing nothing and looking for advice on that would be the main thing.
Because it doesn't filter hardly any particulates and doesn't/can't filter out algae and creates very little oxygenation - so it's doing 800 litres/hour for what? Nothing. Just because I got the idea somewhere that's what you 'have to have'.
I'm confused about so much.
For instance algae - which we want, because it will help de-nitrify the pool - needs light and food. But haven't I seen many de-nitrifying filters that are essentially closed tubes with a porous material in them which is supposed to increase the surface area many times allowing much algae to flourish? But there's no light there...
Yet for excess algae they all say 'cut down the light'.
Your bathtub supports your fish when you put it to use and yet you don't have any filtration systems and your water is clear.
And someone, somewhere, said four goldfish was too much for 50 gallons. ...
I'm thinking today I need monitoring hardware or techniques for pool health and then I'll know where I'm at.
All I have right now is a pH meter and that reports a '7'.
I think I need more data and then I could monitor the progress of the pool. Put a big filter, what happens? Take it out, what?
Scrub the algae out with one of these UV 'killer' things - monitor that, do ammonia, nitrate levels increase?
How about moving the algae production out of the pool so's I can go for a 'crystal clear' pool? What sort of algae producer to make? Seems to me sunlight should be the go. Flat surfaces exposed to the sun.. trickling water...
I talk too much. Probably should have sat with my thoughts for a couple of hours before writing...... sorry....
p.s. Just saw your post catfishnut. And how did you run your pond? What fish, what filters, what pumps?
Yep, this tub is an oldie. Cast iron. Heavy, heavy, heavy, did myself an injury moving it and nearly bashed in the side of the shed last time I was at it. Because one leg is snapped so it tilts and by god it takes some work to hold it level from one end..... But good! You've got to respect them. They are scattered all over this country in farmer's paddocks and horse paddocks and such, for watering stock... many of them more than a hundred years old....