Many here feel a bottom drain is unnecessary. But from what I pull out of the basket I say it has its purpose. Would I buy a drain that looks like a turtle or anything . Nope but I'm not into the cute stuff you'd never find that bubbling pirate ship or the diving bell dog in any of my aquariums I prefer to replicate. Mother nature with wood, rocks, boulders, moss and plants.
But what I will suggest is to bury the piping and the bottom drain in a recessed trench INSIDE the pond . In other words before you place the liner once your dig for the pond is all done and the shape is complete . To then digg a 6 inch x 8 inch wide trench down the side of the pond down along the benches and down to the bottom of where the bottom drain also has a larger then it's self. Truck the fabric and liner in the trench when your setting the liner Then place the fabric and pipe and drain in the depression once plumbing is done back fill the trenc and around the drain with sand and peastone hiding the pipes with boulders etc . No penitrations needs so high water issue becomes mute