Well the deco and landscaping look nice, But all those rocks in the pond are going to be nothing but nightmare of problems, as I guess you already see or at least I can. all the murky water is stuff that came off the rocks when you filled it, Guess where it's going, Right under all those rocks in the pond and in about 3-4 weeks your going to be asking why the water won't turn clear, why it's staying green. Well it will start with all the debris under the rock. 6 months down the road your going to start having issues with ammonia and nitrites that won't stabilize, again because there will start to be larger build up of debris in the bottom, By early next year, your going to be in the pond cleaning out all the rocks because it won't clear, fish keep having problems, ph won't stay stable and you keep noticing a foul smell. We say it all the time here, they look good when you can see them but, rocks in the bottom just isn't a good idea.
I hate being the first person to post and breaking news like this after all the hard work you have done to make it look so nice, But honestly my advice is, drain the pond get the rocks back out and start over now. Save you, your fish, and your plants a lot of headache in the future while you have a clean slate to work with.