I had three laying breeds: Rhode Island Reds (red, lighter style to the body), Buff Orpingtons (yellow, heavy body) and Barred Rocks (black and white speckled, medium weight body). All were great layers. I kept lights on them in the winter, and heat lamps when it got really cold. If you keep bright light on them for 12 hours a day when the summer light wanes, they will think it's still summer and continue to lay, as they lay according to the number of sunlight hours. You can fool them, though! I had eggs laid all winter long, at least 10 a day from the 27 hens, and that was pretty amazing! Sometimes when it was really cold, the eggs would freeze even.
I still think the most fun with the chickens was feeding them junk that I always hated to throw away, like rotten tomatoes (hated I didn't get them picked in time) or any other veges out of the garden that were in abundance. Bugs became something I sought after to feed to the chickens (they loved grasshoppers, maybe that's why I like feeding them to the koi!). Even corn stalks were something they loved, and other vegetable plants when it was time to pull them out of the garden. They left the stems, but it was nice to feed them greens, too.
Just enjoy whatever you get and watch out if they sit on your shoulder, as your pupil in your eyeball looks like a bug to them, and they may try to get it! LOL