I was told it was easy to save the taro plants (how to "store" them) but the biggest point was to keep growing them over the winter. Our growing season just isnt long enough to get a lot of growth in one season. We have so many house plants as it is, it really isnt feasible to put them into the normal living areas of the house. I was quite whiney about this whole subject last night, and again told hubby to just use the kiddie pools for the most important plants. I've kind of written off trying to save any of the water hyacinths, as there is a good deal of brown on them now, and hubby was razzing me again this morning that they are shocked beyond being saved with NINE of them blooming this morning LOL. Some of the ties he planned on using are in my old garden area (a temp spot used due to the yard being a construction zone), and instead of wasting the time getting them, as he left for work, told me to write up a materials list, and just use 2 x 6" construction (beefed up knee wall style, lined with plywood)... Actually more important than the plants, he knew I wanted an extra containment area for a just in case situation, if we had to bring fish in, so he isnt letting go of the project. I just feel bad. He has the same bug I am getting over, and his work hours SHOULD be slowing down, but instead, they have increased. In this economy I shouldnt be complaining that there is plenty of work, but dont want him having to deal with another project.