coyotes call me Charles
There are many trains of thought in regards to how filter pads and media should be handled. Personally, I would just swoosh them around good in a tub of water. If they look noticeably gunky, then I would sterilize just a 1/4 or 1/3 of them and then again a month later, but, once the water starts to cool down and bacteria shutting down to die off or hibernate, then you will not see much impact from cleaning the stuff.
Don't treat the water with chlorine! Don't do it! :chair: :cheerful:
You can do the poor man's flow meter to know your pond's gallon. Fill up a 5 gallon bucket and count the number of buckets it would take to fill your pond. :bdaybiggrin:
Don't treat the water with chlorine! Don't do it! :chair: :cheerful:
You can do the poor man's flow meter to know your pond's gallon. Fill up a 5 gallon bucket and count the number of buckets it would take to fill your pond. :bdaybiggrin: